
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

1940's Fashion - A Vintage Guide to being glamourous

1940's Womens Fashion Guide to being Glamourous

A womans guide to being glamourous in the late 1940's by
the infamous Miss Ratherly Stern.The latest 1940's Vintage Fashion Guide !

Learn first hand from a womens etiquette expert, how to possess the
mysterious quality known as vintage glamour!
A little touch of seasoning that makes a dish just right.
Suppose you get too much seasoning ? Glamour is just the same !

Poise and charm are personality traits, so what do they have to do with clothes makeup and hair ?

Well - poise, as you know is simply a state of mind !
It comes as a result of confidence in the way you look .
If you know you look well, your clothes are right and your
makeup natural, your hair neat ... the assurance of all these things
brings a woman that elusive poise !

Charm is the ability to make other people comfortable and happy
in your company.
That means you must forget yourself and concentrate on putting
the other person at their ease.
No woman can do this successfully if she's worried about the way she looks
and is asking these following sorts of questions.
" Is my lipstick on straight  or have I a run in my stockings ? "
" Is my hemline even ? "

The way we look exerts so much influence on the way we feel
and on the way other people feel about us, that it really is very important.

1940's Dress, Hairstyle and Makeup

When I talk about good appearance or looking your best, it's natural
to think it's about clothes, hairstyle or makeup.
Well, believe it or not, these are just the trimmings - like the icing on a cake.
If the cake is no good, then you soon lose interest in the icing.

Basically, good health and physical care are the foundations of beauty.
We all want a lovely skin, shining eyes, a beautiful smile and loads of pep, but we can't have them, except in a clean and healthy body.

There's no substitute as a daily bath for the groundwork of
daily glamour !
Brilliant teeth need brushing !
Clean hair means frequent and thorough shampooing !

A good nights sleep comes next to cleanliness as a beauty base.
I've seen lots of sparkling eyes and good complexions suffer
from listening to swing records at bedtime !!

There's a lot of wisdom in that old expression - beauty sleep !

Let's remember what we were tought in home economics about
a well balanced diet.

Meat, cheese,eggs or fish, milk,butter, bread, fresh fruit, especially
citrus fruits, green and starchy vegetables, and of course some sweets! But please go easy on fried food.

Beautiful skin, vitality, sparkling hair all begin with a balanced diet.
So watch it girls - it pays big dividends.
Then there's excersise !
Try and spend some time every day, outdoors developing the grace
that comes from toned up muscles and a complexion that goes
with good circulation.

copyright Glamourdaze 2010