
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tom Ford - Scarves

This style is reserved for heading out to the beach or having a casual day in the summer sun...

 This one is more for the nightlife, laid back also but very modern, the pants and belt, including the scarf make this stand out a bit...

Going to party ?, wear this it and it grab the attention of the female viewers, of course immediately say hi, the rest will be a breeze, i promise...

 Another casual look, take note's of the bound to come across one like this pretty soon...

Even a suede leather jacket can be worn in this summer, sometimes its a tab bit cooler at night, and you need something to keep you warm, well this style is also for you....

The Styles of Tom Ford are a  bit femine even to the straight guy, but im sure you can figure out, what to wear to man-up at bit, and add some accessories that will counter balance the effect...