1950's Fashion - Fully Fashioned Stockings

Monday, September 28, 2009

1950's Fashion - Fully Fashioned Stockings

There's a marvellous site called Stockings HQ
They also run a forum where folk submit their thoughts on the glamour of stockings - in particular - fully fashioned stockings.
Here's one quote :
I was always fascinated in the fifties when women would dress elegantly no matter the weather, regardless of cold and snow. I'd love to see them in their calf-length dainty heeled boots, their seamed nyloned legs protruding above. Many wore fur coats. But, there are still women who INSIST on wearing nylons, despite the snowiest, coldest conditions. Needless to say I love these women. To hell with our oh-so-practical, unfashionable, era
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